Chapter One: General Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Nigeria as a nation-state is under a sever internal
socio-economic and security threat. As a more general
level the threat has social economic political and
environmental dimensions. Each of these dimensions has
greatly affected the nation‘s stability and can be traced
to the ethnic militia armies ethnic and religious conflicts
poverty terrorism armed robbery corruption economic
sabotage and environmental degradation (Ilufoye 2009).
Boko Haram insurgence becomes the major problem
facing Nigerians in the recent time. These groups have
perpetrated several bombing that have killed millions of
innocent citizens of this country Nigeria and also caused
the destruction of both private and public properties
worth of billion of naira. This derives from their bid to
make people in the north east geo-political zone of
Nigeria to embrace their view on Islamic Nigeria code and
western education.
The predominant threat and security challenges in
the area are emendating from un-abating attacks on
Nigerian citizens individuals public and governmental
installations kidnapping and destruction of properties.
All these effect of Boko Haram activities are serious crime
against the Nigeria state which has threatened its
national security and socio-economic activities. This has
posed a great challenges to the ground strategy for
national security of which the primary aim is ―to
strengthen the federal republic of Nigeria to advance her
interest and objectives to contain instability control
crime quality of life of every citizens improve the well
fare and the eliminate corruption‖ (Damba-zau 2007:51)
Boko Haram activities has destabilized socio-
economic activities. Increased crime and destruction of
both life and property of Nigerian citizens. This can be
attested to by the mass movement of people living in
northern part of the country most especially maiduguri
which is the capital of Borno State. This situation has
made it impossible for the citizens in that part ―Northren‖
of Nigeria to carry on their legitimate businesses. It is
also scaring foreign investors out of the country.
Students have been forced to flee their schools. The
gravity of the crisis has made some government to vow
never to allow Nigerians students from their state to go to
the Northern part of Nigeria for anything. Boko Haram
activities also effected the posting of students of southern
and eastern extradition on national youth service corps
(NYSC) to the north to the extent that parents are
strongly resisting the posting of their children as copper
to the north.
Boko Haram itself is a fatal blow to the noble
objective of the scheme as a unifying strategy the unity
of Nigerian is seriously threatened by Boko Haram
fundamentalist sect and therefore considered to be a
major potential terrorist threat affecting Nigerian mostly
on the part of socio-economic activities of the country.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Boko Haram activities was described by us
intelligence agents in November 2011 ―as a local salafist
group attacking Christians and local police stations with
matchet and poison tipped arrows in Nigeria‘s
northeastern Borno state. According to him:
Boko Haram is a way of thinking it
is politically driven they are loosely
organized grassroots insurrection
against not only the Abuja
government but the traditional
Muslim establishment as well.
(Campbell 2011).
After nearly a decade of violence Nigeria
government still does not have an effective strategy for
dismantling the group. The terrorist organization preys
on the disillusioned Muslims of the north who are fed up
with corruption. And have few economic opportunities
Nigeria is a heterogeneous country divided by two
religious beliefs aside traditional religion. The northern
half of the country is almost completely Muslim (50 per
cent of the total Nigerians population) and the southern
half is mostly dominated by Christians (40 per cent of the
total Nigerians population). Originating in the Muslim
dominated northern region of the country the movement
other rejected everything deemed western. The activities
of these groups ―Boko Haram‖ grew its ranks by taking
advantages of the widespread anger in the north over the
country‘s gap. In the north 72 percent of the population
live below the poverty line compared to only 22 percent
in the southern part Christopher (Bartolta 2011)
The political goal of Boko Haram sect is to create an
Islamic nation in the twelve northern states of Nigerians
eventually spreading to the rest of the country. From its
inception Boko Haram viewed Nigeria as a state or a
country running by non-believers and made the
government its main target ever when the country had a
Muslim president.
Therefore this research work seeks to find the
1. Is poverty inducing the Boko Haram insurgency in
2. Does the ―Boko Haram‖ insurgence have any socio-
economic implication on Nigerians development?
3. Is dialogue a desideration to the Boko Haram
menace in Nigeria?
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The broad objectives of the study are to examine the
activities of the Boko Haram and its socio- economic
implication on Nigeria‘s development. Using Boko
Haram terrorism in Nigeria as a case study. To achieve
this specifically this research work is designed to
examine the following:
1. To determine if poverty is inducing the Boko Haram
insurgency in Nigeria
2. To assess the socio-economic implication of Boko
Haram insurgence on the nation.(Nigeria)
3. To determine if dialogue is a desideration to the
Boko Haram menace in Nigeria
1.4 Literature Review
Literature review has to do with what other scholars
and authors have contributed to this study so far. The
term ―terrorism‖ refers to the systematic use of threat of
violence to communicate to political massage rather than
defeat an opponent military force. Thus the targets of
terrorism are symbolic and the victims of terrorism
represent a wider audience. To achieve a maximum
shock effective terrorist violence is usually dramatic and
Typically small number of extremists who otherwise
lack the capacity to challenge those in power resort to
terrorism. A defining characteristics of terrorism is that
its users expects rewards that are of proportionate to
both the resources. They posses and the risk they
Terrorism is furthermore strategies
that are not restricted to any
particular ideology (smlter and
Beltes 2001).
According to Reich 1998 as a strategy of resistance
to the modem state terrorism emerged some half century
after the French revolution when the term originated as
a description of the state regime of terror. Russia
revolutionaries and anarchist in French Spain Italy and
German established terrorism as a central mechanism in
attempt to over throw the established regimes most of
which were autocratic in the submission of Lain mclean
terrorism as a pejorative term also applies to the deeds
of government of sovereign state. According to Lain
Mclean an term ―state sponsored terrorism‖ is often
used to described the conduct of various government
indirectly organizing or indirectly assisting perpetration
of violence acts in other state. Lain Mclean argued that in
recent time many countries of divergent ideological
persuasion have engaged in this kind of activities while in
some cases strictly condemning others forms practices
(Lain Mclean 1996). Meanwhile terrorism is a contested
concept that resist precise definition. Since the term is
both elastic and emotionally powerful it lend itself to
subjective interpretation driven by political rather than
analytical purposes it is also difficult to distinguish
terrorism from other forms of violence. Such as for
example querilla warfare or criminal activities if
terrorism is defined in terms of the intension behind the
action is it possible to know those intension? What is
the relationship between religion and terrorism be non-
combatants for example?. If so are attacks on security
target act of terrorism?
Though there is no official definition of terrorism
agreed on through out the world and definitions tend to
rely heavily on who is doing the definition and for what
purpose. Some definition focus on terrorist tactics to
defined the term while others focus on the actor. Ethnic
separatist violence in the 1930‘s provoked the League of
Nations formed after world war 1 to encourage world
stability and peace to defined terrorism for the first time
All criminal acts directed against a
state and intended or calculated to
create a state of terror in the mind
of particular persons or group of
persons or the general public.
(League of Nation convection
definition of terrorism 1937).
Therefore bringing to our understanding that Boko
Haram sect is pre-occupied with carrying out various
degree of attacks on civilians usually used by the
powerless against powerful;
International terrorism interludes
terrorists attacking a foreign targets
other than within own country or
abroad (Rurke 2008:316).
This means that September 11 2011 attack was an
international terrorism while one of the attacks by the
Boko Haram sect such as the police stations attacks is a
domestic terrorism. But it becomes complicated if the
Boko Haram sect is still a domestic terrorism group
despites it seeming connection with other international
sect such as Hamas and Alqueda.
According to Claver (2002:302) he stated that
terrorism is the use of force to impact fear with a view to
bring about political economic or social change‖
Recently terrorism has been endemic in all parts of the
countries in the world. Cleavert went on to explain that:
It is true as is often repeated that
man‘s terrorist is another is an
extreme example of an essential
contested concept and its preacher‘s
finds to polarize at extent that
renders it extremely difficult to
return to normal politics (Claver
Drawing from the above assertion indicated how
terrorism can lead to socio-economic underdevelopment
of a country though he was not elaborate but it is
worthy to appreciate his view that the practice of
terrorism group makes the society difficult to return to
normal politics. This can be deduced from the activities
of the Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria which has been
destabilizing socio-economic activities in the northern
part of the country.
Also terrorism are viewed from a complete different
angel by many authors among also includes Heywood. In
his own view he explained three (3) dimensions of
terrorism. According to him:
The term is highly controversial first
the distinction or warfare is burred
by the fact that the later may also
aim to stake fear in to wider
population secondly as the term is
highly prerogative it stands to be
used selectively (one person‘s
terrorist is another person‘s freedom
fighter) thirdly although terrorism
is usually conceived as an anti-
governmental activities government
can employ terror against their own
or other population as in the case
of terrorism in the state (Heywood
This assertion of Heywood brings to out mind that
interregional terrorism can take different and many forms
whatever means these activities are perpetrated the
contention of this research is that it directly leads to
underdevelopment. This is especially in the areas of these
states still batting with the problem of development.
Remarkable a very distant variant of terrorism is
that of Mbah (2008:139) stated that:
Terrorism as a deialedt necessity as
well as the product of globalization
and the expression of it and
because this relations is a class
relation the relevant division is an
antagonistic one which creates
contradictory class intersection.
This is a very sharp contribution to the issue of
terrorism. But the fact is still that none of this authors
have been able to point out or suggest that terrorism
either domestic or international direct or indirectly lead
to underdevelopment:
Goldia et al 92005:201) stated that:
Government appeals hind to portray
terrorism simply as criminal
violence assaults on society that can
not be justified as serving a political
Terrorism typically it has a political objective that
makes it a pervasive form of political conflict partied by
indefinable modes of political leadership and
participation. The above assertion tries to example the
structures of the Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria. This
is because if it is believed that the group shuns the
politics of the northern part of Nigeria and agitating for
imposition of sharia law. Hence while this version partly
discuss the common modes of terrorist operation that
occurs in democratic politics we should be aware of the
violence that can occur when democratic system breaks
1.5 Significance of the Study
All individual lives in a world prone to crisis. No
nation is free from crisis. Violence is now endemic in
human relations. The global threat of terrorism respect
no boundaries or borders. Nigeria is not free from these
threat emanating from Boko Haram activities. Therefore
the debating questions are:
1. What is the nature of this threat?
2. Have the security agencies handled the
situation well?
3. What have gone wrong with the strategy
4. How should government respond responding to
these recent terrist bombing?
5. Can militaristic approach without more work
6. Are there lessons to be leant in the ways of
other countries handles such threat‖
This research work will attempt to answer these
questions and build up relevant literatures on Islamist
fundamental and contributes to academic professional
and security at large as it enlightens develops and
inform citizens and government of the reoccurring
activities of domestic terrorists and making of possible for
policy makers to strategize measures to handle the
conflict in Nigeria.
Beyond serving as an addition to already existing
literature it will serve as a practical guide for those in
the field of criminal investigation departments anti-
terrorism or counter insurgence.
This study is thereby motivated by strong desire to
contribute to the ranging dissolution its socio-economic
implication on Nigeria‘s development. It is therefore
hoped that this study will be relevant and of benefits to
the students and scholars of political science history
intelligent and security studies and the society at large.
1.6 Theoretical Framework
According to Ohara (2003:63) knowledge does not
exist in a vacuum. In every descriptive there is a body of
theories that provides the explanation for observable
phenomena in that field. This section attempt to draw
analogy between established theories and the problem
being investigated where such analogies drawn even
support the importance of the study. The theoretical
requirement of this work is draw from frustration-
aggression theory which I believe provided a detailed
explanation for the emergence of ―Boko Haram‖
insurgence in Nigeria. The theory was propounded and
developed by John Dollard and his research associates
initially developed in 1939 and has been expanded and
modified by school like Leonard Berlowitz (1962) and
Audrey Yales (1962). The theory properly created the
analogy used within this research to explain the
dynamics in Boko Haram terrorism.
According to John Dollard (1939) he explained that
it seems to be that most common explanation for violent
behaviour stemmed from inability to fulfill needs. In
attempts to explain aggression scholars points to the
difference between what people feel they want or deserve
to what they actually gets the ―want get-ratio‖
(teocrabends 1969) and difference between ―expected
need satisfaction‖ and actual need satisfaction (Davies
1960). When expectation does not meet attainment the
tendency is for people to confront those hold responsible
for frustrating their ambitions. Therefore frustration
aggression provides that aggression is not just
undertaking as a natural reaction or instinct as realist
and biological theorist assumes but that is the outcome
of frustration and that is in a situation where the desire
of an individual is denied either directly or by the
indirectly consequence of the way the society is
structured the feeling of disappointment may lead such
a person to express his anger through violence that will
be directed those he holds responsible or people who are
directly or indirect related to them (Akwen 2011:52-53).
As described by John Dollard that most common
explanation for violence behaviour is instability to fulfill
needs. According to Bishop Mathew Hassan Kukah
states that ―Boko Haram terrorism is a product of bad
government and corruption and therefore fueled by
politics (Mayor 2011). In Nigeria approximately 76
percent of northern on less than one dollar per day.
School are un- finance and the standard of education is
so poor that graduate are often unfit for employment. The
worst of it all is the Nigerian government poor responses
to the northern desire on economic and security
conditions which has fueled resentment making many
young men vulnerable to Boko Haram recrulters. People
in the north are significantly marginalized and are not
provided the same economic opportunities and benefits
that the rest of the country enjoy (Ibid). The founder and
also the leader of the group Mohammad Yusuf argued
that ―Western education or ―Boko‖ had brought nothing
but poverty and suffering to the region and was therefore
―forbidden or Haram‖ in Islam (Reutrs 2012).
This is the central government argument that led
Robert Gurr‘s (1970) relative deprivation these addressed
in saying that:
The greater the discrepancy
however marginal between what is
sought and what seems attainable
the greater will be the chances that
anger and violence will result (Ted
A part from Nigeria government being corrupt in the
year 1999 the police claimed down on Boko Haram
members who were ignoring a law requiring motorcyclist
to wear helmets. That sparked a furious back lash. Police
stations and government offices in Borno state were
burned to ground hundreds of citizens released in prison
break innocent citizens died on bomb explosion public
and private properties destroyed etc. as the violence
spread across northern Nigeria.
The last stroke that broke the camel‘s back was the
government and its army reacting with force the leader
of the Boko Haram group ̳Mohammed Yusuf‖ was
captured and shot dead in police custody. Five days of
fighting left more than 800 people dead (Morgan 2011).
In other words the group remains fiercely anti-
government and anti-authority and resentful of the
decades of corrupt poor government that have improvise
it home region (Ibid).
1.7 Hypotheses
For the purpose of this study this hypotheses were
1. Poverty and unemployment seem to be the
driving force of the Boko Haram insurgence
2. Boko Haram insurgence has led to lose of
revenue and seeming disunity in Nigeria
3. Dialogue appears to be desideration to the Boko
Haram Menace in Nigeria.
1.8 Method of Data Collection
By method of data collection we are referring to the
various means through which appropriate information
needed for this study was sourced for the purpose of this
work. The method used in the gathering of the data
collection is mainly secondary source of data collection
This research is a topical issue the secondary
method of sourcing was adequate this include gathering
materials or information from text books journals
magazines newspapers internet material seminars
debates and seminars publications. Etc.
1.9 Scope and Limitations of the Study
The scope of this research work is quite broad that
it encompasses the investigation ―the effect of Boko
Haram insurgence on the socio-economic development of
The limitation of this study various factors
contributed in affecting in researchers
comprehensiveness and totality in carrying out the study.
Among these factors are scarcity of relevant materials on
the issue due to its continuous evolving nature and
virginity experienced its apex in the course of the
research interval.
Despite the financial problem hindrance and
shortcoming the research work will defiantly come to
1.10 Definition of Terms
According to Janct (2004:107) definition of terms
used in a research is operation. Works are defined as
they are used by the researcher. This means that
researcher uses certain words in the way they fit to the
study which may be different from the ordinary
dictionary meaning. For an operational understanding of
the term used within this study the definitions are as
Boko Haram:- The term Boko Haram is a derivation of
Hausa world ―Boko‖ meaning ―Animist‖ western or
otherwise non-Islamic education‖ while Haram is a word
with Arabic origin that figuratively means ―sin‖ but
literally forbidden‘. In order words Boko Harm means
―western education is forbidden or is a sin‖ (Wkipedia
Boko Haram‖ 21/03/2013:1) Boko Haram is very
controversial Nigeria militant Islamic group that seeks for
the imposition of sharia law in the entire northern states
of Nigeria. The name officially of the group is jama‘atu
Alis-sunna Lidda‘awth wal jihad‖ which in Arabic
translated to people committed to the propagation of the
teaching of prophet and jihad‖ literally therefore the
group means ―Association of sunnis for the propagation
of Islam and for Holy war.
Insurgence:- This is defined as a political battle waged
among a cooperative or acquiescence populace in order
for a group of outsiders to take over (or at lest
undermine) the government of a nation.
Crime:- On the definition of crime the united Nation
Research institution. Observed that
Crime in the sense of branch of a
legal prohibition is a universal
concepts out what actually
constitutes a crime and how
seriously it should be regarded
varies enormously from one society
to another perception of crime are
not determined by any objective
indictor of the degree of injury or
damage but by culture values and
power relations (UN Research
institute for social development
In a strict legal definition however a crime is a violation
of the criminal law which is subsequently followed by
legal punishment (Dambazau 2007).
Violence:- Violence is defined by the World Health
Organization (WHO) as the international use of physical
force of power threatened or actual against oneself
another person or against a group or community that
either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in
injuries death psychological harm mal development or
deprivation. (Wikipedia WHO).
Sect:- Sect can be seen as a body of persons
distinguished by pecularities of faith and practice form
other bodies adhering to the same general system.
Specially the adherents collectively of a particular creed
or confession a demonation or older form of faith or
believe (Britanic world language dictionary).
Peace:- Peace is generally defined as the absence of war
conflict anxiety suffering and violence and absolute
peaceful co-existence. However peace connotes more
than a mere absence of war hostilities because an
absence of conflict is inevitable. Therefore peace could be
defined as a political condition that ensure justice and
social stability through formal or informal institutions
practices and norms (Howard 1987).
Security:- Security can be defined to mean ― the total
sum of action and measures including legislative and
operational procedures adopted to ensure peace
stability and the general well being of a nation and its
citizens (Shinikaiye 2004:2).
Terrorism:- Terrorism is perhaps the most controversial
problematic concept to define in the world to day. This is
made more problematic blurred distinction between
legitimate act of resistance and criminal act of terrorism.
Despite these difficulties however terrorism could
conceptualized as the politically motivated acts of
violation perpetrated against civilian targets with the aim
of inflicting mass causalities instilling fear and a sense
of insecurity and affecting a change in the policies and
action of the victims (Nolan 1998).
National Security:- National security is best described
as a capacity to control those domestic and foreign
conditions that the public opinion of a given community
believes necessary to enjoy its own self-determination or
autonomy prosperity and well being (Maier (2000:5).
Islamic Fundamentalism:- Islamic Fundamentalism is a
term used to describe religious ideologies seen as
advocating a return to the fundamentals of Islam the
Quran and the Summah it is deemed problematic by
those who suggest that Islamic belief requires all
Muslims to be fundamentalists (Bernard 1993). Islamic
fundamentalist oppose the infiltration of secular and
westernizing influences and seek to institute Islamic law
including in Muslim and strict code of behaviour.
Domestic Terrorism:- Domestic Terrorism is the
commission of terrorist attacks in a state by forces inside
or originating from the state as opposed to terrorist
attacks by forces external to the state. In other words
domestic terrorism is a terrorist act practice in one‘s own
country against her own people (online dictionary).
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